Trump Wants Supreme Court To Weigh In On Mar-A-Largo Fight With DOJ

On Tuesday, former president Donald Trump urged the Supreme Court to get involved in the legal dispute over secret materials that had been taken from his Mar-a-Lago home.

Approximately 100 papers with secret markings were discovered at Mar-a-Lago, and Mr. Trump’s legal team requested that Justice Clarence Thomas give an emergency order to reinstate the so-called special master’s ability to evaluate them in a 296-page brief.

Supreme Court emergency requests from outside of Florida are sent to Justice Thomas. Whether he will take action on his own or submit the petition to the whole court is not yet apparent.

If accepted, it would support Mr. Trump’s efforts to prevent investigators looking into whether he criminally misused federal records from getting their hands on those documents.

A three-judge panel on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals determined last month that the retired judge appointed as the special master, who is responsible for determining which records are covered by the attorney-client and executive privileges, could only examine a small number of the materials that had been seized.

Mr. Trump’s attorneys said in documents submitted to the Supreme Court that the 11th Circuit’s decision was against the law.

The ongoing time-sensitive work of the special master is considerably hampered by this unjustifiable delay, they argued in their letter. Furthermore, any restrictions on the thorough and open examination of the evidence gathered during the exceptional raid on a president’s house undermine the public’s faith in our legal system.

The 11th Circuit did not have the power to prevent U.S. District Judge Raymond Dearie, who was appointed as a special master, from scrutinising the materials, according to Mr. Trump’s legal team.

The integrity of the well-established principle prohibiting piecemeal review without explanation was essentially compromised when the Eleventh Circuit issued a stay of the Special Master Order, they said.

In its decision from last month, the three-judge panel—which includes two judges selected by Mr. Trump and one by President Obama—rejected Mr. Trump’s assertions that the government may not be the rightful owner of the classified materials that were taken from Mar-a-Lago.

The Justice Department’s criminal investigation into Mr. Trump was also given access to the confiscated records by the appeal court.

However, Mr. Trump did not seek the Supreme Court to lift the hold that prevented the Justice Department from seeing the records during its investigation. Instead, he urged the court to assure that the special master will review those documents.

His legal team refuted assertions made by the Justice Department that incorporating the papers in the special master review may jeopardise the safety of vital national security information.

They added that the government’s position “cannot be reconciled” with the Justice Department’s claim that it could show those documents to a grand jury or prospective witnesses during interviews. “The government argued on appeal without explanation that showing the allegedly classified documents to Judge Dearie would harm national security,” they wrote.

For Mr. Trump to get an emergency order, he would need the support of five justices. Trump has had a mixed history before the nation’s highest court, despite the fact that the court has a 6-3 conservative majority that includes three of the judges he selected.

The Supreme Court rejected Mr. Trump’s legal attempt in 2021 to have the results of the presidential election thrown out. The top court also rejected Mr. Trump’s attempts to keep Congress from seeing his financial documents. The court rejected Mr. Trump’s request in January to block the release of White House records to the committee looking into the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Trump’s not a “average citizen,” as the saying goes. For four years, he sat in the large chair in the Oval Office.

Presidents often publish their autobiographies after leaving office, unlike almost all “regular citizens”. They engaged in several crucial operations involving sensitive information. They are free to access secret material to refresh their memory as long as they can keep it safely. As needed, President Trump was keeping his material in double-lock vaults.

They are expected to submit their manuscripts for pre-publication assessment after finishing their memoirs but before they are published.

Prepublication review is the procedure used to make sure that material that is being considered for release to the public is both free of protected information and compliant with NSA, DOD, and IC rules. (NSA)

For pre-publication screening, those who have worked in the classified sector are needed to submit their résumé. This is a really severe situation.

No proof has been offered that President Trump broke any policies or procedures.

The DOJ/(also FBI’s known as the KGB) actions are identical to the HRC “collusion” fraud. They are spreading misinformation without offering any concrete solutions. They should engrave “We’ll show it later” into the cornerstone of their structure.



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