Some Senate GOP Members Are Working With Dems To Produce Immigration Reform Proposal

We have written at length about the Democrats’ frequent disconnection from reality when it comes to their positions on many subjects. During the 2022 midterm elections, it was made clear. During the most recent election season, the top three issues that liberals struggled the most with were abortion, global warming, and January 6. That turn of events was a perfect example of the traditional “tell me you don’t need to work anymore without saying so” scenario. It is not a secret that the urban-professional elite who make up the Democratic Party base are wealthy enough to be able to absorb the growing inflation that is hammering the majority of American families. However, the GOP elite has shown itself to be just as isolated, since several Republicans in the Senate are cooperating with Democrats to enact an immigration reform proposal that is just terrible.

It defies rationality to figure out how this agreement came to be. In a year that should have been considered a red wave election, the Republican Party was unable to retake either the House or the Senate, and its hold on the House of Representatives was tenuous at best. If the Republicans had been able to secure significant majorities, they would have had greater latitude to craft legislation similar to this one, albeit in terms that are more restrictive with regard to immigration. With this compromise, which was the invention of Senators Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) and Kyrsten Sinema, we might as well declare that we are a party that supports open borders instead (D-AZ).


Is there money available to build a wall along the border? No, but there will be an increase in the number of resources available to border patrol agents, an extension of Title 42, and a sped-up process for the deportation of illegal immigrants who do not fit the criteria for asylum. In spite of this, it is all for naught when you consider the fact that it paves the way for two million people who benefited from President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to start the process of becoming citizens. The “fine print” of that clause states that once those two million people have completed the procedure, they will be able to sponsor extended family members. Because of this “fine print,” the figure for those two million people will likely increase into the millions. The conservative base will interpret this legislation as a backdoor open borders law, and both parties are on board with this interpretation.

It is almost as if Mr. Tillis and other Republicans on the Hill who might be tempted to support this atrocity were sleeping throughout the 2016 election. During that election, Donald Trump rocketed to the top of the Republican candidate field by preaching about—you guessed it—limiting illegal immigration. The base has been steadfast in its opposition to catch-and-release programs for many years, and it has continuously backed the border wall as well as any other policy that impedes the flow of illegal immigrants flooding the border.

Despite the fact that the populist movement has reached its pinnacle with Trump’s win, there are still two parties that believe illegal immigration is beneficial. Illegal immigration, in the eyes of Democrats, is a way to diversify the country while simultaneously eradicating the nation’s claimed racist roots and white supremacy. This is a very wide statement. Republicans who are focused on the economy see an unending supply of low-wage workers. Even with Trump in office for the next four years, the muck that the swamp has been producing for decades will not be cleaned up.


The real question is who among Republican lawmakers will support immigration legislation such as this one, which would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants already in the country. This measure would be the one to do it if there were ever a bill that might trigger a large number of primary challenges. In addition, the Washington Post raised the question of whether it had ever occurred to these Republicans that if an immigration compromise was reached along these lines, it would be regarded as a victory for Joe Biden.

In light of the fact that the Congress is currently fractured, it is important to keep to the plan and ensure that some items, such as the extension of defense spending, are passed while at the same time creating as much stalemate as possible. On one of the most contentious subjects, where the media has been setting the stage to give a president suffering from dementia all of the credit, this is not the time to make great agreements with Democrats. What is to be gained here other than causing indigestion for millions of people who vote Republican? It is also something the Democrats are aware has the potential to occur, which means that there are hidden agendas everywhere with this legislation, and the Republican Party appears to be on the verge of being suckered into another trap.




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