Daily Wire's Candace Owens Threatens To Call Police If Country Star Helps Her Child Change Sex Gender

Maren Morris, a country music performer, came under fire from commentator and self-described "Karen" Candace Owens after she revealed to a crowd at a concert that she had introduced her young son to drag queens. Morris recently performed alongside other musicians and members of the drag show community at the Love Rising LGBTQ+ benefit concert in Nashville.

Tennessee was the first state to prohibit drag show performances earlier this month on the grounds that the entertainment would be detrimental to children. The event on Saturday served as a sort of protest. Morris stated on stage, "I brought my son here earlier today for soundcheck, and he's turning 3 this week. We got to walk in the room where all the queens were getting ready and doing their makeup. He was terrified when he entered since drag queens work like magicians.

Morris continued, "Yeah, I did expose my son to some drag queens today, so Tennessee, f**8ing arrest me.

While the video has received both favor and criticism on social media, Tennessee resident Candace Owens of the Daily Wire went one step farther. She criticized Morris and threatened to have the police come after her on the Wednesday episode of her show Candace Owens. Jason Campbell shared a clip from the episode on Twitter.

In addition to playing a tape from Morris' most recent participation on RuPaul's Drag Race, where she apologized to the competitors on behalf of country music, Owens first brought up Morris' remarks from the concert.

Morris had stated in January, "Coming from country music and its relationship with LGBTQ+ folks, I just want to say I'm sorry."

"This pandering is just completely absurd. Why don't you go write some songs, release some hits, and convince people to support and admire you because you lead a moral life and because you are actually talented?" Owens suggested on Wednesday.

Not because you disrespect the supporters that helped you get to where you are now while pandering to the LGBTQ+ community. fans of country music. How revolting," she continued.


If Morris were to transfer her child, Owens vowed to be the first to notify the police.

"...I really hope that she keeps swaying to this side because she will finally trip over herself. She will eventually confess to committing a crime, as we have often witnessed. People are so extreme. They eventually acknowledge that they made a mistake. And Maren Morris, I'll be the first to phone the police and the governor's office when you do, I promise you that much right now," Owens said.

"I am a proud Karen and a proud child advocate. In order to be able to hoist up your child on stage and proclaim, "Looky, looky, my child is trans," when you take that next step, I don't know, maybe you're going to help them transition. Please be aware that Candace Owens, proud Karen, number one, will contact the police regarding you and your husband.

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