Half Of Sharon Stone's Fortune Seems To Have Been Wrapped Up In SVB Debacle!

At a recent speech, actress Sharon Stone sobbed as she admitted that a horrible "financial incident" had caused her to lose "half" of her money. he had the realization as she was receiving the Courage Award at the Women's Cancer Research Fund event on Thursday night.

Tonight, I brought a few notes," Stone said. You probably already know that I don't give a crap because I typically just say without thinking. Stone spoke extensively on the group's efforts on cancer research, paid tribute to cancer survivors, and discussed the group itself. She asked the audience to give the group extra money at one point during her address.

"Right there, the folks who stood up tonight are worth more than you gave. You're aware of it. The folks who stood up and endured the loss of loved ones are worth more than what you offered. You're aware of it. Stone continued, fighting back tears, "And I'm standing here because I expect you to show it and I mean it.

"And I am aware that the task you have to complete to text the money is challenging. The audience erupted in cheers as Stone continued, "I'm a technological fool, but I can write a fucking check.

Stone's account of her own recent financial difficulties brought her to tears. I know what's occurring, so that's courage too right now. Just now, this banking issue cost me half of my money. I'm still here, despite what that would imply. My brother just passed away. And that doesn't imply I'm not here, either," she rebuffed.

"None of us are having an easy time right now. Even though the world is going through a difficult period right now, I won't let some politician tell me what I can and cannot do or how valuable my life is. So get up. Say what you're worth and stand up. I challenge you. That's what bravery is, Stone said.

A week has passed after Silicon Valley Bank failed, "marking the second-largest bank failure in American history," according to Stone's revelation.

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