Man Has Profanity-Laced Mental Breakdown On Southwest Flight Over Crying Baby

When you travel on an airplane you should realize that you may be uncomfortable. The seats may suck, you could be placed next to somebody who smells, or there could be a crying baby on the flight. 

All of this is normal and happens to all of us from time to time. It’s just part of life. 

Well, one man apparently didn’t realize any of this, because he had a massive profanity-laced meltdown over a baby who was crying on the plane.

TMZ reported that passengers on a Southwest flight were annoyed by constant screams on board ... but not just from a baby, these were from a grown-ass adult throwing a tantrum over a crying child, swearing up a storm as they were stuck in the air!!!

We've all been a little annoyed with the crying baby thing, but this dude took it to a whole other level -- the freak-out was caught on camera as he loudly groused he paid for a comfortable flight and got this instead.

He says lots of wild stuff in the clip -- screaming at the top of his lungs, asking if the baby paid more for crying privileges. The flight attendants try pointing out he's yelling in the cabin, and the man responds "So is the baby!"

The attendant hit him back with the perfect response ... "You're a man!"

It doesn't end once the flight lands, BTW -- because he was greeted by cops at the airport and seemingly escorted out.


This guy needs to invest in some noise cancelling headphones and learn some manners.

He acted like bigger crybaby than the kid.

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