Man Sues Trump for 3rd-Degree Burns He Got at a Beach Resort… But There’s One Really HUGE Problem

Looks like the universe just can't get enough of former President Trump, because yet another lawsuit has come knocking on his door. This time, it's about third-degree burns that a man suffered at a beach resort in Florida  — but there’s one really BIG problem with his lawsuit.

Trump doesn't even own the resort. 

Yup, you heard it right. The man was strolling on the beach when his feet were cooked to a crisp, leading to the amputation of one toe and part of his foot.

But wait, there's more. The man is from New Jersey. So not only does Trump have to deal with legal battles in his own state, but now he's getting sued by someone who traveled all the way from Jersey to give him a hard time. Can't catch a break, can he?

WND reported that Trump is being sued for third-degree burns a diabetic man suffered at a beach resort that he doesn’t even own.

A man from New Jersey has filed a lawsuit against the Trump International Beach Resort in Florida, after suffering severe burns on his feet, which led to the amputation of one toe and part of his foot.

Theoharis Lekas, 52, claims that the surfaces within the resort were ‘scorching hot’ during his vacation in August 2022, causing third-degree burns to both his feet.

Lekas, who suffers from diabetic neuropathy and cannot feel his feet burning, alleged that the resort was negligent for not posting signs recommending footwear.

Everything under the sun (literally) is Trump’s fault, I guess…

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