Marine Tries to Treat Rattle Snake Bite by Electrocuting Himself With a Car Battery

Getting bitten by a venomous snake must be a truly terrifying experience, but is that experience so traumatizing that you would then hook yourself up to a car battery and proceed to electrocute yourself for nearly five minutes straight?

Surely, most would answer no...

But a former U.S. Marine was faced with that difficult decision when he was bitten by a rattlesnake. 

As reported by IFL Science, the 28-year-old snake owner had treated his rattlesnake bites with antivenom, but had reacted badly and gone into anaphylactic shock. This time, when he was bitten on the face by his lip, he had an alternative treatment ready.

"Based on their understanding of an article in an outdoorsman's magazine, the patient and his neighbor had previously established a plan to use electric shock treatment if either was envenomated," the team write in the case report. 

"The patient was placed supine next to a car, and a spark plug wire was attached to his upper lip by a wire with a small clip at each end. The engine was started and repeatedly revved to 3,000 rpm for approximately five minutes. The patient lost consciousness with the first electrical charge."

Fifteen minutes later, an ambulance arrived on the scene and found him "unconscious and incontinent of stool", with low blood pressure, slowed breathing, and swelling (images of the man's swelling can be viewed here) on his face, neck, and chest.

After being airlifted to hospital, he spent the next four days under close supervision whilst being hooked up to a car battery treated for the bite and subsequent electrocution. After further treatment for serum sickness from the antivenom, he was released, though he returned to hospital for reconstructive surgery after losing tissue in his upper lip.

It's truly a miracle that this guy survived.

How do you get bitten by a venomous rattlesnake, then electrocute yourself with a car battery for five minutes and still live to tell the tale?

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