More Disastrous Fallout Involving Meghan and Harry’s “Catastrophic Car Chase”

If you haven't realized it yet, let me spell it out for you: Meghan and Harry are the epitome of hypocrisy!

It's truly remarkable how they tirelessly whine about their lack of privacy, yet somehow manage to engage in acts of shameless flaunting in front of the cameras.

It seems that just moments before their oh-so-dangerous car chase, they deliberately sought out the paparazzi's attention to ensure their photos were captured.

Bravo, Meghan and Harry, for your remarkable ability to simultaneously complain about and actively seek out the limelight.

From TMZ

Sources tell the NY Post ... Harry and Meghan elected to stroll out in front of a throng of shutterbugs to get their pictures taken after they attended Tuesday night's awards ceremony at the Ziegfeld Theater in Manhattan.

The Post noted the couple made the decision despite having one of Barack Obama's former secret service agents on their security team. Chris Sanchez is the security dude's name and he's known as the “king of the back exits” ... because he's so good at keeping celebs under the paparazzi's radar.

After getting their fill of the cameras, Harry and Meghan jumped inside a waiting SUV with Sanchez and took off.

The Post quotes a source as saying, “Harry and Meghan were willing to give everyone those shots when they left the event, that was not the problem, but they were tailed from that point on."

It seems the concept of having your cake and eating it too has eluded Meghan and Harry. Let me enlighten you: you can't have it both ways, my dear attention-seekers.

You see, it's a tad bit absurd to demand the spotlight whenever it tickles your fancy and then proceed to whine and moan when the attention doesn't align with your grand plans.

So, Meghan and Harry, please enlighten us mere mortals on the secret to this extraordinary balancing act you seem to believe you're entitled to. Until then, we'll be here, trying to comprehend your baffling logic and insatiable appetite for contradictory demands.

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