There’s a New Ghost Pepper Toothpaste That’s Supposed to Work REALLY GOOD…Would You Try It?

Well, brace yourself for a sizzling revelation! It seems that the fiery realm of ungodly hot peppers has bestowed upon us a secret weapon for minty-fresh breath. Believe it or not, brushing your teeth with these spicy titans is a tongue-tingling triumph. Who would've thought, right?

Picture this: a toothpaste that dares to merge the forces of spearmint and ghost peppers, igniting an inferno of freshness in your mouth. But hold your judgment, my friend, for this is no mere gimmick. Prepare to be flabbergasted, for there's actual scientific wizardry at play here. Apparently, hidden within the depths of the ghost pepper lies a mystical component that obliterates those pesky bad breath germs. Hot stuff, indeed!

From Vice

These days, you have to wake up pretty early in the morning to send me a pitch that legitimately grips me. Such was the case when I got an email from Rainer Agles, founder and CEO of Chilly Mouth, heralding a new toothpaste that uses menthol and… well, ghost pepper flakes. Yes, I thought, sitting up in my chair. A chance to feel alive again. I will try the toothpaste. Responding to his email and sourcing the product for myself, I felt like I was Rambo or Rocky, an old dog being pulled back in for one more horrible battle; the ghost of VICE’s food page MUNCHIES had awakened to haunt my taste buds once again.

You might be wondering whether ghost pepper toothpaste is an actual, serious product. Indeed it is, and it’s not a gimmick… at least not completely. We’ve long been told by health experts and dietitians that spicy food is good for you, but Chilly Mouth takes it a step further. “Capsicums from ghost pepper flakes in Chilly are antimicrobial, killing 75% of bad breath-causing bacteria,” the website claims; thus, an actual raison d’être emerges, and one that goes beyond simply using spicy food to cause us pain (since we can’t feel anything else anymore). The website goes on to add that Chilly Mouth contains no “SLS, parabens, artificial flavors, artificial dyes, fluoride, and microbeads,” making it a more “natural” option than conventional big-brand toothpastes.

And hey, don't go burning a hole in your mouth just yet! It's all about finding that perfect balance when it comes t
o applying toothpaste on your brush. Start with a modest amount and gradually escalate the spiciness.

The product is called “Chili Mouth” and you can find it on Amazon. If you try it, let us know how you liked it!

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