Air New Zealand Now Forcing Passengers to Get Weighed Before Boarding Flight

Airlines have been increasingly adopting more invasive measures over time. Initially, it involved the removal of all belongings for scanning, which is understandable. Then came the requirement of taking off your shoes before every flight, which was annoying but not a major issue. However, now they are going as far as requesting passengers' body weight.

New Zealand's Civil Aviation Authority has recently implemented a measure that requires the national airline to weigh passengers departing on international flights from Auckland International Airport until July 2, 2023. Air New Zealand refers to this initiative as a passenger weight survey, stating that it aims to gather data on the weight load and distribution for planes.

From CNN:

“We weigh everything that goes on the aircraft – from the cargo to the meals onboard, to the luggage in the hold,” Alastair James, the airline’s load control improvement specialist said in a statement. “For customers, crew and cabin bags, we use average weights, which we get from doing this survey.”

Still, weight is a personal thing that not everyone wishes to disclose. In order to protect individuals’ privacy, the airline says it has made the data anonymous.

Travelers will be asked to stand on a digital scale when they check in for their flight. The information about their weight is then submitted to the survey but will not be viewable on the agent’s screen.

They will also place their luggage on another identical scale for separate weighing.

“We know stepping on the scales can be daunting. We want to reassure our customers there is no visible display anywhere. No one can see your weight, not even us,” James said.

I mean, at least your weight isn't being publicly displayed for everyone at the airport to see.

However, it's still reasonable to question whether this is crossing a line, and it does make you ponder what could potentially be the next step in terms of invasive measures.

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