“Eating Meat Saved My Life” — Ex-Vegan Says Plant-Based Diet Nearly Killed Her

Going vegan or "plant based" is all the rage right now, but for some it can take a serious toll on their health. 

In Edmonton, Alberta, a young adventurer named Kai-Lee Worsley embarked on a vegan journey. But her hair falling out in chunks revealed a dire truth: this diet was not healthy.

Determined to reclaim her health, she made a bold choice: reintroducing meat.

Miraculously, life surged back into her weary body, and she swears that eating a plant-based diet nearly killed her. 

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Her hair started to fall out, her fingernails became brittle, and she found it difficult to stand up. She stuck with the diet for a few more months but her symptoms became too intense to ignore. Less than a year after switching to a vegan diet, Kai-Lee started eating meat again and she says that it literally saved her life.

“Now I eat basically the same thing as when I was a vegan except I have steak three times a week,” Worsley says in an online video. “I’ve swapped meat substitutes for meat. It has literally saved my life.”
Learning about animal abuse led to Kai-Lee’s decision

Kai-Lee, an author and entrepreneur, went vegan after moving to Santa Ana, California, in August 2018. When she arrived in Santa Ana, Kai-Lee moved in with a group of vegans who taught her about factory farming and the suffering and abuse faced by animals.

For Kai-Lee, it was a turning point and she decided to go vegan.

“What convinced me is the way animals were treated,” the 25-year-old explains. “I didn’t know how animals were treated in factory farms. I didn’t know factory farms existed.”
Kai-Lee stopped eating all products derived from animals, switching to protein-rich foods including vegetables, beans, and legumes. She also started taking supplements to make up for the lack of meat-based proteins in her body.

In a world where carnivorous instincts run deep within us, our bodies thrive on the nourishment of real meat. No substitutes or imitations can compare.

While veganism may be in vogue, the path to health can take an unexpected turn. Just like Kai-Lee, many find themselves spiraling into an even unhealthier state.

Let's not overlook the financial burden it brings—veganism, a pricey affair that can leave wallets considerably lighter.

So let us embrace our true nature, relish the authentic flavors, and acknowledge the pitfalls of trendy diets. Our bodies deserve the sustenance they evolved to thrive upon.

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