Happy Days Star Has Had It With Hollywood, Says Goodbye to California

Lots of people, from celebs to regular folks, are bailing on California. And who can blame them? Taxes are sky high, but what do you get in return? Streets filled with poop, needles lying around, crazy high housing prices, and crime through the roof. It's like Sodom and Gomorrah all over again! All these problems are driving people away to find better places to live.

Well, one former Happy Days star has said, “Enough is enough” and he’s leaving Tinsel Town.

Conservative actor Scott Baio is packing up and commie California after 45 years there. 
Cal Matters reported that In 2021, it was big news — the “California exodus.” Now, it just looks like the new trend: California’s population is still shrinking.

According to the latest population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, California’s total population declined by more than 500,000 between April 2020 and July 2022. 

Put another way, 1 out of 100 people living in California at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic had, two years later, left the state — either by U-Haul or by hearse.
Where’d they all go? 
Some died, though there were far more births.
Some left the country, though on net, more immigrants arrived.
The major driving factor: Californians departing for other states. 

Just counting out-of-staters coming in and Californians leaving, the state’s population saw a 871,127 net decline. If you’re wondering why the state lost a congressional seat at the beginning of this decade, this is why.

This isn’t a national problem. It’s a California, New York, Illinois and Louisiana problem. California
 is one of only 18 states that saw its numbers decline and had the fourth biggest drop as a share of its population. 

God’s speed, Scott. Wherever you go, we know you’ll be safer, happier, and have more money in your pocket.

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