This is The “Child Sex Abuse” Lawsuit That Will Probably Topple The “Scientology” Cult

Scientology has been embroiled in significant controversy in recent years, particularly highlighted by the prominent show featuring actress Leah Remini and their ongoing struggle against the corrupt practices within the organization.

However, the troubling issues extend far beyond those publicized events. Deep within the shadows lie even darker secrets, including a distressing sexual abuse scandal that has the potential to bring down the entire church.

Recently, a highly consequential lawsuit has been unveiled, leveling accusations against Scientology and its leader, David Miscavige, alleging their involvement in concealing widespread incidents of child sexual assault committed by a senior executive within the church.

From RadarOnline

The woman suing the church and its leader is Jane Doe, a plaintiff who said she was born into Scientology in 1974 and at age 14 became a member of the Sea Organization, which requires members to sign billion-year contracts.

Jane Doe was also one of the victims of Masterson who in May was found guilty by a jury of raping two women.

In the filing, Jane Doe alleged Gavin Potter, a member of the Sea Organization, sexually abused her beginning when she was assigned the job of driving him home.

“It was during these car rides that Gavin Potter began sexually abusing Jane Doe,” the lawsuit claimed.

“At no point, during any of the assaults in her vehicle, did Jane Doe consent to those acts, but she felt like she could not refuse because of Gavin Potter’s position in the Religious Technology Center, Church of Scientology International, Bridge Publications Incorporated, and Sea Org. 

“The first time Gavin Potter sexually assaulted Jane Doe, he leaned over in her car and kissed her on the mouth. At the time of the first encounter, Jane Doe had never had a boyfriend or done anything of a sexual nature with anyone.”

The alleged sexual abuse by Potter progressed, it’s claimed.

In another encounter, Jane Doe said she “was in the driver’s seat and Gavin Potter was in the passenger seat when he began fondling Jane Doe’s breasts over her clothes, and then put a hand up her skirt. Gavin Potter then digitally penetrated her vagina. 

“Jane Doe was fearful and physically uncomfortable but could not move. The digital penetration continued for an unknown period, at which point Jane Doe looked over and noticed that Gavin Potter had a wet spot in the crotch of his pants.

“Jane Doe did not understand at that time that he ejaculated. After he ejaculated, Gavin Potter removed his hand from Jane Doe’s pants, and she proceeded to drive him home.”

When a colleague questioned Jane Doe about why she was late to work the next day, the incident was reported to church authorities who, it’s claimed, forced her to marry her alleged abuser.

The repugnant nature of these allegations is truly unsettling, as the church not only stands accused of perpetrating sexual abuse but also coercing individuals into forced marriages.

Considering the gravity of these claims, it becomes increasingly difficult to comprehend how Scientology can withstand this onslaught. If these shocking revelations fail to dismantle the organization, it is difficult to fathom what would.

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