Man Returns 10-Years YOUNGER After Spending 93 Days at the Bottom of The Ocean

This is an incredible story about a scientist who spent 93 days at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and when he came back up, he claimed that he was 10-years-younger. 

How is that possible? Well, they believe it’s because of the “pressure” he was under - no pun intended. 

From Edinburgh Live

A scientist claims he is '10 years younger' after spending a daring 93 days underwater.

Joseph Dituri, a retired naval officer, spent a whopping three months surviving inside a 100sqft pod in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

His time spent below the waves was part of a study group to research the effects of a pressurized environment on the human body, reports the Daily Mirror.

It also gave him the opportunity to beat the previous world record for living underwater, dwarfing the previous record holder's 73 days.

After getting back to dry land, Dituri was assessed by medics who measured his vitals and telomeres - the DNA sequence that attach to the end of chromosomes.

Telomeres usually dwindle as we age, but Dituri's are now 20 per cent longer than when he submerged in March.

He added that he also has 10 times more stem cells than at the start of the research. Other beneficial effects of the deep-sea hibernation were that he now gets 60 to 66 per cent deep REM sleep at night, a 72-point drop in cholesterol and that his inflammatory markers have been slashed in half.

The massive changes in his physical health are attributed to the pressure, which is known to have a number of positive effects.

One similar form of treatment is the hyperbaric chamber, which improves brain health, leading to better cognition.

Dituri's research allowed him to see how human bodies respond to pressurised environments for a longer period of time.

His pod was similar to what spacemen and women will experience while travelling to Mars.

Speaking to the Daily Mail about the pod he called home for 93 days, he said: "You need one of these places that is cut off from outside activity.

"Send people down here for a two-week vacation, where they get their feet scrubbed, relax and can experience the benefit of hyperbaric medicine."

I can already see the celebrities SCRAMBLING like mad to get a spot on a submarine that will take them to the depths of the ocean. And bonus for us… we won’t have to hear from them for almost 100 days… but they will be around for an additional ten years, so this might not be such a good idea after all.

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