This Big-Time A-Lister Refused To Go On Meghan Markle’s Podcast

There's been a considerable buzz recently, after Spotify dumped Harry and Meghan when they canceled their podcast. The significance of that podcast lay in its reputation as Meghan's launching pad for her political career. She was supposed to host a host of A-list celebrities and political bigwigs. That was the promise, yet when it came time to deliver, Meghan fell short. All she could muster was Paris Hilton, and with no disrespect to Ms. Hilton, she's not exactly an A-lister or a political heavyweight.

Now, word on the street is that the podcast was axed because the royal-wannabe duo were lazy, privileged, and, above all else, boring. That seems fitting, to be honest…

That's likely why the high-profile A-lister Taylor Swift declined to appear on their show. Taylor might be many things, but when it comes to her image, she's no fool. She's aware that Harry and Meghan are viewed as toxic D-listers.

From TMZ:

Meghan Markle shot for the stars trying to book guests for her soon-to-be-extinct podcast, but maybe the biggest one in the U.S. wasn't impressed enough to bite the bait.

Taylor Swift politely declined Meghan's request to have a chit-chat on her "Archetypes" podcast ... according to the Wall Street Journal.

The M.O. of the podcast was to discuss challenges and stereotypes facing women ... something Taylor has addressed in the past ... but Meghan's venue clearly wasn't enticing enough.

Mind you Meghan did get good guests -- Serena Williams, Mariah Carey, and Paris Hilton -- but the current, reigning queen of entertainment wasn't gonna be reeled in.

Prince Harry apparently had high hopes for his failed Spotify endeavors ... notably, trying to get Trump and Putin to talk about their childhood traumas. It's an interesting pie-in-the-sky play, but it was clearly a no-go. Besides, can you imagine Putin saying, "I became a ruthless dictator because my pops didn't love me."

Harry is not only dull, he’s also out of his mind. President Trump would never appear on a podcast with that backstabbing, hen-pecked sap.

However, this is definitely a bigger blow for Meghan, who actually thought she had a shot at becoming the Presidet of the United States someday.

How utterly clueless can you get? Incredible.

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