Billionaire offers $127K Per Year Salary to Be His Dog’s Nanny

Fancy dog-sitting for a $127K annual paycheck? Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Well, plenty of folks shared this sentiment. So when a well-off American family based in the UK posted a job ad for a "dog nanny," offering a generous yearly salary of $127K, the response was so overwhelming they eventually had to remove the listing.

From Fox 2

An American family living in the United Kingdom has had to pull their ad for a live-in dog nanny that fetches a $127,000 (£100,000) salary because they received so many job applications. 

Fairfax and Kensington is a high-end international recruitment agency based in South Kensington, London, and are the original posters of the job. 

The company posted the live-in dog nanny position on LinkedIn about two weeks ago, but after local news outlets recently reported on it, the job applications have soared from 300 to over 2,000 in a span of a few days, George Dunn with Fairfax and Kensington, told FOX TV Stations. 

"This is the first role we’ve offered of its kind. The salary connected to it is pretty unheard of," Dunn said, according to a New York Post report. "Even as a vet, you’d be struggling to earn that amount of money." 

The original job description, which has since been taken down from the Fairfax and Kensington website, detailed the responsibilities the desired live-in dog nanny should have which included providing "unparalleled care and attention" to the owners’ two dogs. 

This care and attention entailed feeding, grooming, coordinating vet appointments, vaccinations and health checkups. 

The dog nanny would also be required to develop a personalized exercise routine and schedule for each dog to ensure "they receive the appropriate physical and mental stimulation," according to the job description. 

The chosen candidate would also be required to travel with the dogs, both during domestic and international trips, to ensure "their comfort and safety throughout the journey." 

We don't know if anyone actually landed the job, but we do know it was for more than one dog and they were "larger breeds."

I don't care if they were as big as an elephant, I'd take the job in a heartbeat.

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