Obese Woman Demands Airlines Provide Her With Extra Seats At No Charge

The inclusive culture has validated many different lifestyles, however, one particular issue that has raised concerns is the situation surrounding individuals who are morbidly obese.

There exists a growing community of larger individuals who argue that their condition is a matter of "human rights" and should not be subject to infringement.

One notable example is the case of morbidly obese "travel influencer" Jae'lynn Chaney, who believes that others should have to bear the cost of airlines being forced to accommodate her massive size when flying.

Chaney has initiated a petition on Change.org, calling for a modification of airlines' "discriminatory" policies that necessitate plus-size travelers to purchase two seats. She argues that having to pay double for the same experience constitutes an unfair financial burden.

From BizPacReview:

“People with smaller bodies get to pay one fare to get to their destination,” Chaney told CNN Travel. “We have to pay two fares, even though we’re getting the same experience. If anything, our experiences are a little bit more challenging.”

The petition, which has been signed by 18,400 people as of this writing, begins with Chaney describing her experiences, along with her plus-size partner.

“As plus-size travelers, my partner and I have unfortunately experienced discrimination and discomfort while flying,” she wrote. “During a flight from Pasco to Denver, my fiancé was subjected to hateful comments, disapproving looks, and even refusal to sit next to them, amounting to discrimination.

“This mistreatment of plus-size passengers is unacceptable, and it highlights the urgent need for better policies that protect the dignity and rights of all passengers, regardless of size,” Chaney added.

Her solution is additional seats granted free of charge — never mind that airlines are sure to pass this lost revenue on to other passengers.

“To ensure a safe and comfortable flying experience for all passengers, airlines should provide accessible additional seats to customers-of-size who require more physical space on planes or encroach onto another passenger’s space,” the petition reads. “These passengers should be provided with an extra free seat, or even multiple seats, to accommodate their needs and ensure their comfort and safety, as well as those around them, during the flight.”
According to Chaney, Southwest Airlines and Canadian Transportation Carriers already have policies that provide additional seats for those who physically require them.

As for the likelihood of higher costs for other passengers, she says so be it if that’s what it takes to ensure comfort for travelers like her who over indulge.


Is this woman unaware that her condition is both treatable and often the result of personal choices?

It is perplexing how she can equate morbid obesity with a congenital disability or other inherent conditions.

This logic really boggles the mind...

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