Rare Condition Makes Grown Man Look Like a 13-Year-Old Boy

For the majority of individuals, appearing ten years younger than their actual age would be greatly desired. However, for one man in Brazil, it has transformed into an ongoing ordeal.

Luiz Augusto Márcio Marques, currently 23 years old, experienced a halt in his growth following a surgical intervention to eliminate an exceptionally uncommon and aggressive tumor. As a result, he now resembles a 13-year-old boy, which has become a constant source of distress for him.

From Oddity Central

Luiz, who is better known as Guto in his native city of Passo Fundo, in Southern Brazil, had a perfectly normal life until the age of 7, when he started experiencing excruciating headaches that began manifesting more frequently as time passed. None of the doctors his parents took him to could diagnose his condition correctly, and the headaches started affecting his school activity and his daily life. Some claimed that it was just a virus, while others said that it was a psychological condition, or that he was just making everything up because he was lazy. It was only after the boy suffered a seizure that he was taken to the city hospital where the real cause of his headaches was finally revealed...

Guto was diagnosed with craniopharyngioma, an ultra-rare type of brain tumor that affects about one in a million people. Doctors told the boy’s aunt that they would have to operate on him to remove part of the tumor, or he would die in a matter of days. However, the surgery itself posed many risks, as the tumor’s location meant that Luiz could lose his ability to walk, talk, or move his eyes and his growth could be affected. In the end, his family decided to take the risk and save the boy’s life.

After the operation, Guto was placed in a glass room where he was monitored around the clock because the doctors wanted to see if he would suffer any seizures or display any unusual symptoms. Luckily, he recovered perfectly, but after performing a series of tests, doctors delivered some grim news. During the operation, Guto’s pituitary gland had been affected, and he would most likely stop growing normally at some point. It could be within a year, two, or three, no one could tell for sure. He stopped growing around the time he turned 12, and today, at age 23, he still looks at least a decade younger.


This unfortunate individual! Just envision the plight of being a young man in his early twenties, trapped within the physique of a child.

It would be absolute torture.

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