Three Severed Human Heads Left On Desk at Chicago Organ Donor Organization

What in the world is happening in Chicago, folks?

It seems like an absolute war zone over there, and this latest incident involving severed heads only amplifies that point even further.

Dale Wheatley, who works for the nonprofit Anatomical Gift Association of Illinois, which facilitates donations of human bodies to medical schools for scientific research, discovered three severed heads on his desk.

From My Stateline

Wheatley and his attorney held a press conference on Tuesday claiming that bodies are being mishandled before and after they are sent to hospitals and schools.

According to WFLD, some of the bodies have been returned to the AGA because of their condition, saying “They’re sending donors back because of mold and rot, bugs. It’s deplorable.”

“There’s been instances where I’ve pulled donors from our storing room out of the racks, and rats have chewed through the bottom of the bag, through the feet,” he added.

AGA works with at least 8 medical schools in the state, including the University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford.

According to its website, the nonprofit upholds the “highest standards of responsiveness, respect, privacy, and security” and shows “respect for our donors by treating them with the utmost care, reverently performed.”

Wheatley alleges otherwise, saying the day after he approached his supervisors with concerns, three dismembered heads were left on his desk.

“My boss walked by, I asked him why the heads were at my desk. He said they need to get back with their bodies so we can send them to cremation. I said, I understand that, ‘Why are they at my desk?’ and he said, ‘I don’t know Dale, there’s a lot of strange things happening,'” Wheatley said.

Wheatley said he filed a police report following the incident.

II don't blame this guy for speaking out; I'd be beyond horrified if something like this happened at my place of work, even if that work involved human remains.

It's honestly barbaric, and this facility sounds like it needs to be condemned at this point.

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