Just When You Think Things Can’t Get Any Worse For “Indiana Jones” Sequel, This Happens

Disney's attempt to revive the cherished 1980s film franchise with "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" looks like it's already destined to flop at the box office. Speculations about a female lead potentially replacing or diminishing the significance of the beloved main hero have created doubts among audiences.

That's right, it appears that Disney is injecting even more "woke" commentary into their films by transforming one of the most famous action-adventure heroes into a female.

From Western Journal

A plot point leaked at the end of May shortly after the movie’s Cannes Film Festival premiere alleged Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s character, Helena Shaw, punched and knocked out Harrison Ford’s Indy to save the day. This is indeed what happens near the end of the film. (In fact, all of the leak’s spoiler-filled details are accurate. You can read them here on Reddit if you are curious.)

Additionally, rumors have circulated online about Waller-Bridge’s character replacing Indy and potentially starring in her own spinoff. The final film, however, did not confirm that suspicion, and neither did the actress who plays her.

“There’s no replacing Indiana Jones in any way,” she said in an interview with Vanity Fair. “But I feel like the character herself — she did feel fresh on the page, and there is a sense of, is there room in the world for someone like this? So I do think there’s room for a slightly clumsier, bruised, limping female action star, maybe, in the future.”

No “Indiana Jones” spinoffs have been announced.

Leave it to Disney to take a beloved film franchise and turn it into political junk.

That's just what they do best.

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