Liberal Bride Bans Conservative Uncle From Wedding, But Still Expects a $1,000 Gift

IIt seems like a common trend nowadays that liberals are excluding their conservative family members from holiday events, birthdays, and even weddings.

However, there was one particular left-leaning bride who took it to the extreme by not only prohibiting her conservative uncle from attending her wedding but also having the audacity to still anticipate a $1,000 cash gift from him.

In a letter addressed to advice columnist Amy Dickinson at the Chicago Tribune, a woman, signing off as "Angry in Philadelphia," shared the struggle she had with her daughter's decision to exclude "Uncle Dave" from her wedding.

From the Chicago Tribune

Four months before my daughter’s wedding, she told me that her uncle (my brother, “Dave”) would make her feel unsafe if he was a guest. She asked me not to invite him.

My daughter is very politically progressive, as are many of her friends, and although she and Dave have always had a good relationship (I thought), he is a conservative voter and has supported candidates we all abhor.

Dave has always been very nice, so my daughter’s request surprised me.

I wrote Dave a very nice note, telling him that we would not be comfortable with him at the wedding and that he would not be invited.

Dave did not respond and did not attend.

Afterward, I sent him a card and pictures from the wedding, all in an effort to make him feel like he was not being totally left out.

I have not heard from Dave since then. When my siblings found out what I had done they were angry with me.

That is just one problem.

Another problem is that Dave has not sent my daughter and son-in-law a wedding gift.

In the past, Dave has given family members wedding checks in excess of $1,000.

She says she was counting on receiving the same type of gift.

My husband says I should drop it – but I can’t. Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing to me.

How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?

Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding. After all, he’s a grown man, while my daughter is young and just starting out.

Not only did this woman do her daughter's dirty work, but she actually had the nerve to rub the celebration in Uncle Dave's face. And on top of it all, she still expected a $1,000 check?

This behavior is so ridiculous that you have to question if it's actually a parody.

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