Former Television Star Dies by Assisted Suicide After Battling with Covid-19 Booster Injuries

Katarina Pavelek, a former television star and model, passed away through assisted suicide in Switzerland on June 17. She had been battling an incurable illness, which she believed was caused by the COVID-19 booster shot.

Pavelek, known for her role as an actress on the popular TV show "The Mindy Project," made the difficult decision to bring her life to an end due to her struggles with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Katarina shared a series of heartbreaking posts on her Instagram, where she candidly described the unbearable symptoms of her illness to her fans. She expressed how the condition had rendered her disabled, making it impossible for her to work, maintain a social life, and find joy in life. Katarina revealed that even breathing had become increasingly challenging and painful for her, while her lung function had progressively declined.

From Evie Magazine

Pavelek was diagnosed with an incurable chronic neurological illness known as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms that affects daily activities. At times, this condition may confine people to their beds. ME/CFS can worsen if individuals with this illness overwork themselves. The model was also suspected to have respiratory ALS, a neurodegenerative disorder that weakens the muscles involved in breathing and swallowing.

On June 1, 2023, Pavelek shared a disturbing announcement on her Instagram page. She told her followers that she was going to end her life via assisted suicide. "Hi guys, over the last 10 days I became severely ill again homebound unable to do much," she wrote. "My body is too weak to fight this illness and I have no more strength so I made [the] decision to end my life at Pegasos association in Switzerland. I was diagnost with [an] untreatable chronic neurological illness ME/CFS caused by booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS."

The actress continued, "This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have [a] social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. Thank you for all your friendship and support over [the] last year. The booster jab I received over [a] year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made."

On May 30, Pavelek posted a depressing paragraph about chronic illness. "No one tells you that you will grieve when you become disabled or chronically ill," the caption read. "It's expected when a loved one dies but you don't expect it when you experience chronic illness or disability."

"The process is the same. The feelings are the same. The only difference is that instead of a loved one dying, it's like you've died. Your life, your hopes, your dreams, your plans. Who you were and who you wanted to be. Everything. All forever changed."

Pavelek's tragic story comes days after professional basketball player Oscar Cabrera suddenly died from a heart attack during a stress test. Social media users found an old Facebook comment from Cabrera where he blamed his myocarditis on the Pfizer jab. This week, it was also announced that a mom-of-two was left "wheelchair-bound," and is now "progressively losing function" in her limbs. It's suspected that these reactions came from the Pfizer vaccine.


This story is incredibly heartbreaking and troubling.

It's concerning to see a disturbing pattern emerging, one that the medical community seems hesitant to acknowledge.

What will it take for them to confront and address these harmful side effects?

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