Judge Makes Huge Decision on Aretha Franklin’s Missing Will That Was Found in the Couch

Since Aretha Franklin's tragic passing in 2018 from pancreatic cancer, her three children have launched an all-out war over her $6 million estate.

Leaving no will at the time of her death, these siblings have been squabbling for years over their inheritance. However, thanks to a discovery under a couple of couch cushions, Aretha's intentions for her estate are now laid to rest.

From TMZ

A jury determined a handwritten document found in Aretha Franklin's couch is a valid will ... a major development after years of her kids battling over her estate.

The ruling on the hard-to-read pages came in Tuesday in a Michigan court. The will was found in 2019 -- the year after she passed -- in a notebook tucked under the couch in Aretha's Detroit home.

The docs, dated March 31, 2014, are significantly different from a 2010 draft of her will.

The newer pages apparently designate her sons Kecalf and Edward as executors of her $6 million estate, and it looks like the name "Teddy," AKA Ted White II -- their brother who was pinned as executor in the 2010 version -- is crossed out.

What's more, the 2010 will appeared to require Kecalf and Edward would have to take business classes, and get a degree or certificate to benefit from Aretha's estate -- but the 2014 version doesn't include that requirement.

What a random discovery, right?

One has to wonder if Aretha was scribbling all of this down to later prepare a proper will for her children or if this was simply intended to be her will.

Either way, it's a good thing it was found and put an end to her children's fighting.

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