Remember the Canadian Freedom Truckers? They Won…EVERYTHING

Who could forget the incredible Freedom Convoy?

It was a truly remarkable event where truckers from all over Canada took a stand against Trudeau in what might be one of the most significant protests in Canadian and even North American history.

Of course, the media did their best to downplay the movement, which later spread to the U.S. Headlines were all over, suggesting that Trudeau had successfully crushed the Freedom Convoy by freezing bank accounts, stopping donations, and using other extreme tactics. But let's be real, Trudeau didn't come out on top, not by a long shot. The truth is, the Freedom Convoy achieved a real victory, and it reshaped the political landscape in Canada, even if both our media and theirs refuse to give it proper coverage.

Here's a snippet from an amazing article written on Anarchonomicon about it. We encourage you to click on the link and read the full story!

I keep encountering this misconception from people who don't follow Canadian politics...

That somehow the Trucker convoy was defeated.

The Freedom Convoy was the most wildly immediately successful protest in Canadian history, maybe WORLD history.

People remember Trudeau's crackdown, old ladies having their skulls cracked with batons, Disabled indigenous grandmothers trampled by police horses, Bank accounts frozen and public employees investigated for mere donations...

And there's a big reason people remember this... It was dramatic, and the media and the regime certainly wanted you to think resistance was futile...

What people don't remember is what happened in the immediate aftermath: The government caved on absolutely everything within a week for the most important things, and then a month or so for the rest.

First off there was the massive political shift that happened as the convoy was occurring:

Jason Kenny, the pro-lockdown Premiere of Alberta (Canada's most conservative province) was forced to announce his resignation, and Alberta immediately lifted all it's lockdown impositions.

Erin O'Toole the pro-lockdown leader of the Conservative Party was likewise forced to resign, his temporary replacement Candice Bergen (not to be mistaken with the actress) being a longtime rival opposed to lockdowns, and his main rival who replaced her after intra-party elections was Pierre Poilievre, the Politician after Maxime Bernier who was quickest to embrace the Truckers and their cry for freedom.

As the convoy was ongoing Trudeau invoked the Emergencies act (the Act which replaced the War Meassures Act for invoking Martial Law)... Now these grant the government almost unlimited powers, famously the War Meassures Act was invoked by Trudeau's Father to detain Quebeckers and raid hundreds of homes without warrants during the FLQ separatist crisis of 1972...the catch is that while the follow on Emergencies act can be invoked by a Prime Minister parlaiment has to sign off on the act's continued use within one week.

This awesome article truly captures all the incredible things the Freedom Convoy accomplished.

It's a clear reminder to ignore the headlines since the media isn't on our side, but rather a puppet manipulated by the government to shape our views.

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