Watch: Thanks to New Technology, This Guy Can Order a Pizza Telepathically

I'm not sure if this technology is amazing or just downright disturbing...

There's a MIT student named Arnav Kapur who came up with a device that reads and executes his thoughts telepathically. He calls it "telepathic web browsing," and with this crazy thing, he can browse the internet, order food, and even make phone calls, all just by thinking about it. It's mind-blowing and kind of creepy at the same time!

And just to prove this isn't all fluff, here's a video of him order a pizza telepathically: 

From Screenshot: 

This revolutionary device is worn on Kapur’s head and operates by interpreting specific commands or questions that the user vocalises internally.

Sitting with one of the journalists from 60 Minutes, Kapur casually asks the crew what kind of pizza toppings they’d like. Suspicious, as I think we’d all be, the interviewer responds with “pepperoni.” Time goes by and just as the team are about to leave, Kapur lets them know that their pizza has in fact arrived. Now this kind of technology I can get on board with.

Other impressive feats featured in the episode included Kapur being able to immediately gives mathematical answers such as “What’s 45,689 divided by 67” and the student being able to name the largest city in Bulgaria and give its population.

Forget Siri or Alexa, Kapur’s mind-boggling invention really got me thinking about the gripping British series, Years and Years. Remember the mind-control episode where one of the characters implanted a chip in her head to gain limited knowledge? Well, Arnav’s AI-powered AlterEgo feels like a glimpse into a future that’s closer than we could have ever imagined.

This tech prodigy is no stranger to the spotlight. In fact, Kapur has been enlightening audiences with TED talks for a long time now, passionately sharing his vision of AI becoming an extension of our very minds. Who needs a laptop when you’ve got an AlterEgo?


I mean, seriously, let's just pause for a sec and let this new tech sink in...

Just picture not having to type or say anything out loud; your thoughts would directly bring about whatever you want at that very instant.

It's totally mind-boggling...

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