SWAT Won’t Pay Up After Demolishing This Man’s Business While Trying to Capture a Fugitive

Imagine you're running your own business, doing your thing, when out of nowhere, a SWAT team storms in like it's an action movie and destroys your entire building. Yep, that's what happened to this poor guy in North Hollywood, California. The whole shebang left behind a whopping $60,000 in damages, and guess what? The SWAT team is refusing to pay up for the mess they made.

To top it all off, they didn't even nab the fugitive they were chasing after in the first place! It's like they wrecked the joint for no reason at all.

From Discern Report: 

The IJ reports the fight has erupted because the city of Los Angeles, whose officers destroyed Carlos Pena’s NoHo Printing and Graphics store, has refused to provide any compensation.

The catastrophe developed last year when an armed fugitive fleeing U.S. marshals threw Pena out of his store and then ran in to hide out.

“The marshals then initiated a standoff before a SWAT team from the Los Angeles Police Department arrived and fired more than 30 rounds of teargas into the business. Carlos—who waited in a nearby restaurant for 13 hours as his 31-year-old business was being destroyed—estimates that the raid caused more than $60,000 in damage,” the IJ said.

His insurance carrier refused compensation because “the government” caused the massive loss. U.S. marshals also refused, because the damage was done by the LA officers. The city also refused.

“I couldn’t believe it when I was told that I wouldn’t be paid for the damage. The business I had worked so hard to build was completely destroyed and I was left with the bill, even though I did nothing wrong,” he said.

The damage included holes in the doors, windows and ceiling, the destruction of all the machinery in the shop, and more.

“Pursuing dangerous fugitives is a legitimate government function, and unfortunately sometimes that will lead to the destruction of innocent people’s property. But when that happens, the government can’t just shrug and say, ‘tough luck.’ It must compensate the victim,” said IJ Attorney Jeff Redfern.

This is just plain disgraceful! I mean, seriously, the government here is acting like some kind of gestapo, destroying stuff without a care in the world and getting away with it scot-free.

They gotta face the music and own up to the damages they caused this poor small business owner. If they don't, who knows? This could become a regular thing...

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