One Trump Supporter Has Interesting Theory On Why Hunter Suddenly Looks So Old and Tired

Things aren't going too well for Hunter Biden, and it shows. The disgraced first son was seen exiting a private jet in Los Angeles, and he is looking quite rough.
You can just see the stress, he's practically wearing it. This could be due to his recent plea deal, which shockingly fell apart at the last minute in federal court last week. Alternatively, one Trump supporter has an interesting theory on why Hunter is looking so drawn: lack of drugs.
It's not a stretch to assume Hunter could be detoxing; the guy has a well-known history of drug abuse. Given the recent White House cocaine scandal, maybe Hunter thinks it's best to lay off for now.

Another interesting thing you can see in these photos is that Hunter appears to have some kind of makeshift film crew in tow. Apparently, there's a documentary being filmed about his so-called "redemption story."

From The New York Post:

As an airport worker retrieved Hunter’s bags, the first son was consoled on the tarmac by an unidentified friend sporting a Yankees cap and a mustard-colored sweater. A camera operator observed the scene a few feet away.

Although it is unclear why they were filming, the New York Times reported last year that Hunter’s lawyer and “sugar brother” Kevin Morris was funding a documentary project on Hunter’s “redemption story.”

A few minutes later, Hunter was whisked away from the airport in a two-car motorcade, four fewer than the convoy which had taken him to the federal court in Wilmington, Del.

The first son agreed last month to plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income taxes and enter a diversionary program on a felony weapons charge in exchange for two years’ probation and no prison time.

But the diversionary agreement included a sweeping immunity clause that would have ruled out prosecution on most charges still covered by the statute of limitations.

Noreika blew up the agreement when she asked prosecutor Leo Wise whether there was an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.

“You said that there is an investigation, I don’t know what that is, but you must know that if there are particular charges that could be brought based on the facts that are there,” she said.

“I can tell you what I think we can’t charge,” said Wise, attempting to play coy. “I can’t tell you what the ongoing investigation is.”


I'm sorry, but what redemption story could they possibly be filming?

From what I can see, Hunter looks to be in an even worse situation now than he was just five years ago.

This is probably another propaganda piece being funded by his daddy in a desperate attempt to save face.

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