Video Showing How “Black Pudding” Is Really Made Leaves Viewers in Shock

Some of us here in the U.S. might not be familiar with "black pudding," but let me tell you, it's nothing like the sweet, delicious pudding we know. It's actually a savory and gelatinous mix of pigs' blood and other ingredients, shaped into sausages, then sliced, fried, and served as part of a full English breakfast.

But the real horror lies in how it's made, similar to hot dogs, it's a pretty gruesome process that's best not witnessed before eating.

From The Daily Mail

A video showing how black pudding is made has left some people disgusted - with one saying that just thinking about the process sent 'chills down [their] spine'.

The clip, titled How It's Made - Black Pudding, was created by the Discovery and Science Channel, and shared on YouTube by Panos Egglezos.

Over images of the controversial food, a voice over describes the product, pointing out that a version of it is available in many European countries.  

Among the other ingredients, according to the video, are barley, all spice, dried onions, spices and other seasonings and wheat flour. 

These are combined with the pig's blood, which the video says was used in ancient times, 'when people wouldn't waste any part of a slaughtered animal, not even its blood'.

Blood makes up around a third of the pudding mix, with another third made up of the barley and other dried ingredients, and then a third meat fat.
Pork and bacon fat are boiled in large vats, before being added to the barley and other dried ingredients.

Then the blood - which is in powered form which billows out as it is released into the mixture - is also added.

As well as 'turning the ingredients into a rich colour', the blood also 'makes black pudding a rich source of iron and protein', the video says.

Next, the ingredients are mixed, before being transferred into casing, which is stapled shut, before each pudding is steamed for around two hours in an oven.

Finally, according to the video's voiceover: 'From there, the puddings drop into a tank of hot water. This shrinks the plastic package tightly around the casing.'

It presenter adds: 'Even within the same country, black pudding recipes vary by region. This smooth textured pudding is typical of eastern Scotland. 

I'm sorry, but this blood pudding sounds downright disgusting.

As an American, I don't have much room to talk because of our questionable hot dog ingredients, but there's something about the pigs' blood that makes me hesitant.

Especially the fact that the sausage doesn't contain just a small amount of blood, but a THIRD. 

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