Bullets Bounce Of Man’s Head After Being Shot In The Head Twice

This story sounds like it's right out of the Matrix...

A man from Mexico is miraculously still alive after being shot in the head at close range, not just once but twice. For some reason, the bullets literally ricocheted off his skull.
From Oddity Central: 

On August 2nd, the man, referred to only as Francisco by Mexican media, was strolling through the streets of the Gustavo A. Madero neighborhood of Mexico City when he was approached by a man identified as Carlos N. who shot him in the head at close range two times. The reasons for the attack have not yet been revealed, but what most headlines have been focusing on is the miraculous outcome of the gunshots. Instead of growing through Francisco’s head, the point-blank shots ricocheted off of his skull, leaving the victim with minor flesh wounds.

It’s hard to explain exactly how Francisco survived the attack, but according to some sources, it was a miraculous combination of several factors. First of all, it seems that the bullets used by the assailants were really old and the gunpowder unusually damp. This, combined with the fact that the gun was of a really small caliber and had a very short barrel, which affected the velocity and overall piercing power of the bullets. Instead of piercing the man’s skull, they just bounced off of his skull.

Having only suffered minor flesh wounds, Francisco was able to alert some nearby security guards who quickly seized the assailants. For now, the reasons of the attack remain a mystery, but the middle age Mexican man can consider himself extremely lucky.

Francisco's got himself  one heck of a guardian angel, no doubt.

It's like some divine intervention pulled together all the right stuff to make sure those bullets didn't do Francisco in.

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