Funeral Home Offers Pink “Barbie” Coffin

It seems like with the new hit movie starring Margot Robbie, everything is being "Barbie-fied." And there's some business who are taking the Barbie craze a bit too far...

Down in El Salvador, a funeral home has taken the Barbie obsession to a whole new level by offering pink coffins with Barbie-themed interiors.

They've gone all out, making sure you can stay a Barbie fan right until the end – and even beyond.

From The Associated Press: 

The pink metal coffins are on sale at the Alpha and Omega Funeral Home in the city of Ahuachapán, near the border with Guatemala.

Owner Isaac Villegas said Friday he had already offered the option of pink coffins before the July premiere of the Barbie movie. But the craze that swept Latin America convinced him to decorate the cloth linings of the coffins with pictures of the doll. The coffins are also decorated with little white stars.

“I said, ‘We have to jump on this trend,’” Villegas said of the coffins, noting “it has been a success.”

He said the funeral home has already launched a promotional campaign around the Barbie boxes, and has sold 10 of them. Though that doesn’t mean 10 people have actually been buried in them — many people in El Salvador buy a pre-paid package for future burial.

Villegas said that until a year ago, families had preferred traditional coffins in colors like brown, black, white or gray. But a year ago, he sold his first pink coffin to family who wanted their very happy relative buried in a happier-colored coffin.

Now he has no plans to turn back, though he still offers darker colors.

What an eerie way to express your adoration for Barbie.

I've got to say, if I were at a funeral and came across a large pink casket adorned with doll faces all over, I would definitely hit the brakes on my grieving process.

And perhaps that wouldn't be such a terrible outcome...

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