New York City’s Top Cancer Doctor Shoots Her Baby, Then Kills Herself…Why?

In a puzzling incident over the weekend, officials are urgently searching for answers after a heartbreaking occurrence involving a well-known cancer doctor from New York.

Dr. Krystal Cascetta, 40 years old, reportedly ended the life of her baby and then turned the weapon on herself, a tragic situation now under investigation as a potential murder-suicide. These upsetting events took place on Saturday morning at the $1 million home she shared with her partner.

From Radar Online: 

According to New York State Police, the suspected murder-suicide occurred at approximately 7 AM on Saturday morning.

“A preliminary investigation revealed that at approximately 7:00 a.m., Krystal Cascetta entered her child’s room and shot her baby and then turned the gun on herself,” state investigators said in a statement.

They added, “The scene is consistent with a murder/suicide.”

Dr. Cascetta reportedly worked as a Hematology-Oncology specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Her 37-year-old husband, Tim Talty, reportedly owns the protein bar company Talty Bars. The pair married in 2019 and it is believed their baby was born in March of this year.

Also shocking are reports that Cascetta’s parents were at the Somers home when the suspected murder-suicide occurred on Saturday morning.

According to the New York Post, Cascetta’s parents were the first to discover their deceased daughter and grandchild after they heard two gunshots.

Cascetta’s parents reportedly did not recognize the first gunshot but went to investigate after they heard a second gunshot moments later.

What an incredibly awful tragedy. It's hard to even wrap your head around it.

I can't even begin to imagine the pain this family must be going through. Hopefully, they can somehow come together and start to find a path towards healing.


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