Fit and Healthy 14-Year-Old Dies During Slumber Party

We're facing yet another heartbreaking incident where a young and healthy child has tragically passed away without any warning.

Down in Australia, a 14-year-old boy's family is grappling with shock and devastation as their teenage son passed  away unexpectedly during his sleep while he was with his grandparents. The teenager, William Pfeiffer, seemed perfectly fine with no visible health problems, and those who were familiar with him described him as "fit and healthy."

From Slay News: 

The Queenstown native died in his sleep and authorities do not yet have any answers for what might have caused his sudden death.

A family friend said he was looking forward to his school’s upcoming book week.

Pfeiffer’s parents Karen Lynch and Mike Shaw are reportedly struggling as they come to grips with the teen’s death.

The family is still awaiting a report from a coroner to shed some light on how the boy could pass away so unexpectedly.

Nicole Banns, a friend of the family, described to the Advertiser how William’s death was discovered.

“I think they just [realized] that he was sleeping in bed and they checked on him and [realized] that something wasn’t right,” Banns said.

Banns added, “[The family] is devastated as you can imagine, it’s just traumatic and it’s just so unfair.”

The woman, who described William as perfectly “healthy” also said he was “just like a sunshine” to those who knew him.

“He was such a happy kid whose smile just beamed and he was a bit of a clown and a jokester, and he used to make everybody laugh,” Banns said.

How many more of these mysterious deaths need to occur, honestly, before we begin questioning why, exactly, this is happening?

The medical community can only dismiss this for  so long...

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