VIDEO: Woman Survives After Spending 90 Minutes In an Alligator’s Mouth

There aren't many people who survive an alligator attack, but one woman in Indonesia miraculously lived to tell the tale. Falmira De Jesus, a 38-year-old, was collecting water from a shallow, greenery-covered stream when a crocodile lying in wait suddenly attacked her. The massive reptile leaped from the foliage, snatched her leg, and pulled her into the water.

Despite the terrifying situation, Falmira managed to scream for help, but the crocodile still held onto her for about 90 minutes while her co-workers made desperate attempts to rescue her from the water.

From Oddity Central: 

“I was in pain from where the crocodile was holding me. I couldn’t break free,” Falmira recalled. “Then I started to feel like I was becoming weaker. I just thought I was going to die, because I was falling below the water.”

Eyewitnesses said that the crocodile gripped Falmira for 90 minutes and repeatedly tried to pull her down into the water. Luckily for her, the water wasn’t deep enough, and, over time, more people arrived to help. Eventually, the reptile decided to let go of its prey and retreat. The bravest of her co-workers ventured into the water to get her out, and she was rushed to the nearest hospital.

“I lie in the hospital and can still see the crocodile in my mind, and feel it on my body,” the 38-year-old survivor said. “I am very grateful for people that helped me to escape. They saved my life.”

Doctors told Indonesian reporters that the mother-of-two suffered deep puncture wounds on her right arm, thigh, and lower leg, but is scheduled to make a full recovery, which many consider nothing short of a miracle.

Local police praised both Falmira for bravely fighting the crocodile for over 90 minutes, as well as the people who helped her through the ordeal, but also warned workers and residents around the plantation to be more vigilant when approaching bodies of water. After all, Indonesia is home to 14 different species of crocodile.


It's nothing short of a miracle that this woman survived.

Although, if I were her, I'd definitely be looking for a new job.

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