Biden is Afraid He’ll Die Soon, Staff Walks Around On Eggshells

Many of us can observe that Biden  is practically at death's door. While his team and the media are constantly attempting to reassure us that old Joe is as healthy as a horse, I believe we all know that's far from the truth.

Just by looking at the guy, he appears as if he should be in an assisted living facility, sipping soup through a straw. And when you listen to him, it only solidifies that image further.

Apparently, behind the scenes, Biden is very conscious of his imminent demise, and staffers seemingly have to tread carefully around Joe and his deteriorating condition.

From Western Journal: 

This includes Biden’s lamentations that he might be dead before Hunter’s case is resolved. Which, to be frank, isn’t exactly the best argument for another four-year term for Joe.

“So sensitive are White House aides about the matter that ‘everybody walks around on eggshells in the West Wing’ and are loath to raise the topic, another source familiar with the matter said,” NBC reported.

“Every day, this president wakes up and thinks about his deceased son and probably cries every day. And the weight of [Hunter’s legal troubles] is equally emotionally taxing,” said Michael LaRosa, Jill Biden’s former press secretary.

The Bidens, LaRosa said, are “incredibly protective of Hunter. Very much so, because he’s been unfairly made a target, but also because they’re protective of all their children and grandchildren, the way most people are. Obviously, it’s more amplified because Hunter is a political target.”

Well, you've got to give Biden some credit for being self-aware  enough to fear that he'll die before Hunter is cleared of all his misdoings.

Honestly, I think most of us will be six feet under before Hunter gets out of trouble, Joe...

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