This Horrifying Video Shows Exact Start of Wedding Fire That Killed 100 People

Wedding are usually full of joy and celebration, but for one in the Middle East, absolute tragedy dominated.

A recent video taken during a devastating fire at a wedding in Iraq reveals how fast the flames spread, resulting in the tragic deaths of over 100 people.

In the footage, you can see the bride and groom happily dancing inside the wedding hall just before tragedy struck. Suddenly, a series of sparklers ignited, leading to a chaotic scene as the guests panicked.

Watch the video: 

From TMZ: 

Flowers hanging from a massive truss above the couple seem to act as fuel to the flames, going up almost immediately as embers fall to the ground.

After most had evacuated the main room, huge beams -- completely on fire -- crashed to the ground. Footage after the fatal incident shows the intense destruction caused to the building.

The bride and groom reportedly made it out alive, but Reuters says 113 people have been confirmed dead, and another 150 suffered injuries. Iraq's Interior Ministry has allegedly issued arrest warrants for the owners of the wedding hall, with 1 already in cuffs as of Thursday.

Survivors from the wedding fire claim the place wasn't equipped for a disaster like this ... and one woman told the outlet, "This was not a wedding. This was hell," while crying and hitting herself after losing her 27-year-old daughter and 3 grandkids in the fire -- one of whom was just 8 months old.

Grieving family members held a massive gathering outside a morgue in the nearby city of Mosul, crying out in pain.

This is truly horrifying, and it's a fate that nobody should ever have to endure.

My heart goes out to the woman who lost a significant part of her family, and to all those who are enduring this unimaginable tragedy.

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