Massive Cheating Scandal: 11 Thousand Runners Disqualified from Mexico City Marathon

A massive cheating scandal is currently unfolding in Mexico, where approximately 11,000 runners in this year's Mexico City Marathon have been disqualified. Thousands of participants were discovered to have cut the course at various points during the 26.2-mile race.

These dishonest runners resorted to significant shortcuts during the race, relying on vehicles to transport them over substantial distances between different points of the race.

From ESPN:

The disqualified runners represented more than one-third of the 30,000-person field that entered the Aug. 27 race.

Marca reported Monday that the runners were disqualified after missing checkpoints that were placed every 5 kilometers. Some runners allegedly used vehicles or public transport to cut the course.

Race organizers said in a statement to Marca that they will continue to identify and disqualify runners who skipped sections of the race.

"The Mexico City Sports Institute informs that it will proceed to identify those cases in which participants of the XL Mexico City Marathon Telcel 2023 have demonstrated an unsportsmanlike attitude during the event and will invalidate their registration times," they said.

Last week, the Mexico City Sports Institute admitted in a statement that some runners "demonstrated an unsportsmanlike attitude" during the race.

"This great event not only represents an outstanding celebration for all the people of Mexico City, but it is also an occasion to reaffirm the transcendental values ​​of sport", the statement said. "As advocates of the integrity in any competition, we fervently support these values ​​that reinforce the essence of sports competition and its positive impact on our society.


Honestly, what's the point of competing in a race if you're going to cheat like this?

If you don't want to run a long distance, then simply don't participate in a marathon. It's that simple.

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