Airlines Accidentally Serves Dog Food to Business Class Passengers

The reputation of airline food isn't exactly stellar, and this recent mix-up on a Chinese flight is doing nothing to improve it.

A menu mistranslation on China Eastern Airlines indicates that, believe it or not, they're offering dog food as a starter course for their business class passengers.

From Independent UK:

Almost 1,000 people have reacted to the Facebook post, with hundreds of comments and shares.

Edward Poon asked if it meant the airline was pet-friendly, while another said it was because “they treat you as a dog, not human”.

“The consequences of Google translate,” warned Coleman So, while Dai Ching joked: “Must be a hot dog?”

The image was also shared on Reddit, with one user picking up on the fact it was specificially “imported” dog food: “Apparently, economy class passengers only get domestic dog food,” they joked.

It’s not clear what dish the translated menu on board the China Eastern flight is referring to. The Independent has contacted the operator for clarification.

Let's cross our fingers and hope this meal wasn't really concocted from dog food.

Then again, given China's penchant  for unconventional protein, cracking open a can of mystery meat wouldn't be all that surprising.

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