Brooklyn Landlord Named Rafiqul Islam Sets Fire to Home With 6 Kids Inside Over Unpaid Rent

A landlord from Brooklyn, Rafiqul Islam, took an extreme and dangerous approach in responding to late rent payments—he set fire to his own building.

The blaze almost resulted in a tragedy, with six children and two adults narrowly escaping harm. Thankfully, they all made it out, but it was a narrow escape indeed.

From Huffington Post:

A New York City family with six children escaped a burning building that was allegedly set on fire by their landlord over unpaid rent, fire officials announced Friday.

Rafiqul Islam, 66, was taken into custody on Oct. 25, accused of arson at his own Brooklyn building, where the family of eight were tenants, on Sept. 26. Officials said he was upset that the family had stopped paying rent and had refused to move out.

Investigators conducted a four-week investigation in which video evidence from the day of the fire appeared to show Islam, dressed in a mask and hood, entering and leaving the home shortly before the first 911 call. Investigators reported that they eventually found an image in which the mask and hood were down.

Fire officials said the fire was ignited on an interior staircase of the building.


Islam is currently facing eight counts of attempted murder, among other serious charges.

This raises questions that suggest there's much more beneath the surface. What would drive someone to set fire to their own building? Was it an attempt to stage a hate crime, or perhaps a calculated move to claim insurance money while settling scores with the family? Additionally, while in no way condoning the reckless actions of this individual, isn't it peculiar that families can occupy a home without contributing financially? It's an aspect of the housing system that certainly warrants a second look, as it is inherently unfair and needs to be addressed."

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