Round Two: Chinese Hospitals Devastated By Mysterious Illness Targeting Children

Approximately three years post the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, China is grappling with another swiftly spreading ailment. However, this time, the heightened concern stems from its apparent impact predominantly on children.

The nation's hospitals find themselves inundated  with young patients grappling with a variant of bacterial pneumonia. This particular strain manifests a range of symptoms, with high fevers being prominent.

From Western Journal:

“Children’s hospitals in Beijing, Liaoning and other places were overwhelmed with sick children, and schools and classes were on the verge of suspension,” FTV News of Taiwan reported.

The outlet quoted a Beijing resident as saying “Many, many are hospitalized. They don’t cough and have no symptoms. They just have a high temperature (fever) and many develop pulmonary nodules.”

Radio Free Asia said the situation “is causing a resurgence of severe illness following a lull during three years of zero-COVID restrictions.”

The outlet reported more than 3,500 respiratory infection cases had been admitted to the Beijing Children’s Hospital in recent weeks, citing “media reports” as blaming Mycoplasma pneumonia, which causes lung infections.

RFA said medical facilities have been so overwhelmed that waiting rooms are full and patients face a wait time of more than 24 hours to be seen.

The outlet, citing medical journals, said some cases appear to include both COVID-19 and the pneumonia strain, “while others have pointed to weakened immunity from infection and reinfection with COVID-19, which has also been linked to recent surges in other respiratory infections in children.”

Well, folks, let's ponder this for a moment. Could this be the next pandemic destined to hit our shores and thrust our nation into another bout of panic?

Personally, I wouldn't dismiss this possibility, but I sincerely hope it stays confined to China.

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