DC Firefighter Stopped to Get Chick-fil-A After Emergency Call Came In

Firefighters are undeniably remarkable, heroic individuals who frequently put their lives on the line to rescue those in distress. However, in this specific case, it appears  that one firefighter may not have had his priorities in proper order.

A Washington, D.C. firefighter, accompanied by his partner, decided to grab a bite at Chick-Fil-A, despite receiving an emergency call concerning a woman experiencing chest pains.

From RadarOnline:

Around 4 p.m. on March 24, two firefighter/EMTs decided to stop at a Chick-fil-A in Northeast D.C., rather than immediately responding to a call about a woman suffering chest pains, as Front Page Detectives reported.

According to a D.C. Fire and EMS special report obtained by the station, the firefighters claimed they received the emergency call after they had already used an app to place their fast-food order.

The firefighters said they decided to stop and pick up their food because it would take “literally a few minutes tops,” according to the report.

In the report, one of the firefighters wrote that “there was no delay in patient care or response.”

Citing sources, WRC-TV reported that the firefighters ambulance was assigned to the emergency call due to it's proximity and could get there before a medic unit.

When someone is experiencing chest pains, it's a situation that could very well signal a heart attack. Even a short delay in providing care, just a matter of minutes, can mean the difference between life and death for the individual.

Following a trial board, this specific firefighter was dismissed from their position, and I wholeheartedly believe that this was the correct course of action.

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