Man Tries Killing Himself After Believing He Has Cancer From “Online Research”

If you suspect you have cancer or any other medical condition, it's crucial to consult a doctor rather than relying solely on WebMD or similar online resources for medical advice and information. Misinterpretation of such information can have dire consequences. This was nearly the case for a man who, after convincing himself through online research that he had cancer, tragically considered taking his own life.

Oddity Central: 

A Romanian man was recently saved by doctors after cutting his wrist with an angle grinder because he was convinced he had colon cancer by simply reading about his symptoms online.

The wife called an ambulance, and a team of paramedics arrived quickly to stabilize the bleeding man. He was rushed to the Mavormati County Hospital, where he received the care he needed to stop the profuse bleeding. Luckily, there was also a plastic surgery team on call, so he had his hand reattached as well. He has since been transferred to another hospital in Iasi, where doctors are attempting to save the mobility of his left hand.

The man’s relatives told investigators that he had been experiencing colon pain for a while and that he had become convinced that he had colon cancer after reading about his symptoms. He hadn’t bothered seeing a specialist about his problems, instead making up his mind about the diagnostic and plunging into a deep depression.

The bizarre incident took place on Saturday, in the Romanian city of Botosani. The unnamed man had been depressed about colon pain he had been experiencing for a while, but his wife didn’t suspect just how desperate he had become. At one point, he told his spouse that he was going into the outhouse to get some firewood for their boiler, but he had more sinister plans. A few minutes later, the woman received a text from her husband telling her that he was sorry and that she had been a good wife. Luckily, the woman immediately realized something was wrong and ran to the outhouse, where she found the man with an angle grinder in one hand and his other hand almost severed completely…

Fortunately, this man is still alive. Now, the hope is that he receives the correct diagnosis and the necessary help. Additionally, it might be beneficial for him to receive treatment for hypochondria as well.

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