70-Year-Old Woman Just Gave Birth to Twins

You often hear people saying it's never too late to have children, but this story really kicks it up a notch.

Imagine hitting your 70s and suddenly finding yourself with twin toddlers  to raise. I bet many of you would go, "Heck no!" However, over in Uganda, one woman has just become the oldest there to give birth to a set of twins—a boy and a girl—thanks to IVF treatments.

From The Messenger:

Women's Hospital International and Fertility Centre said that Safina Namukwaya set a record for being the oldest woman to give birth in Africa.

It trumpeted the births as “a historic event” on social media.

The boy and girl were delivered via cesarean section at the hospital in the capital of Kampala.

Namukwaya delivered her babies on Wednesday at  12:04 p.m. local time.

The hospital said the mother and babies are all well.

Namukway reportedly told local media it was a “miracle.”

I truly admire that woman. Giving birth is challenging at any age, but picturing it in your 70s is something else.

I've got to hand it to Safina—she looks absolutely fantastic for her age!

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