Alabama Mother Defies the Norm - Delivers Two Babies, From Two Uteruses in Two Days

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  • Source: NPR
  • 12/29/2023
Childbirth is challenging on its own, but envision enduring it over a span of two days. Now, amplify  that difficulty by delivering two babies from two separate uteruses.

It may sound like unimaginable torture, but Kelsey Hatcher, a 32-year-old woman from Alabama, defied the odds and welcomed  two beautiful baby girls into the world. Kelsey possesses a rare condition that results in having two uteri, making her two baby girls unique from most twins as they were born from separate wombs.

From NPR:

Hatcher vaginally delivered her first baby, Roxi, at 7:45 p.m. on Dec. 19, followed by Rebel, who was delivered by c-section about 10 hours later on Dec. 20.

Her experience is what's known as a dicavitary pregnancy, according to a University of Alabama at Birmingham news release. The National Library of Medicine says this type of pregnancy is believed to be a 1-in-a-million occurrence.

Hatcher was a teen when she was diagnosed with uterus didelphys, commonly referred to as a double uterus, which occurs in 0.3% of women, according to the Cleveland Clinic. She also has two cervixes. And though she had three typical pregnancies in years past, Hatcher's fourth go around threw Hatcher's obstetrician, Dr. Shweta Parel, for a loop when the first ultrasound showed two fetuses in two uteruses.

"I had already taken care of Kelsey through her third pregnancy and knew she had a double uterus, but that was only one baby — two babies in two uteri were a true medical surprise," Patel told the university's communications department.

Honestly, this woman is a trooper and I'm glad to see that both she and her two baby girls are healthy. 

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