Attorney Suspended for Pooping in a Pringles Can and Hurling It Out the Window

Typically, lawyers exude composure, instilling confidence in their clients from the get-go. However, there are exceptions, and this individual is a prime example.

An Ohio attorney faced suspension for an unconventional act—defecating in a Pringles can and casually tossing it out of his car window.

I guess when you gotta've gotta go.

From Huffington Post:

The Ohio Supreme Court suspended Blakeslee on Tuesday for some decidedly unprofessional behavior: pooping in a Pringles can and flinging it into the parking lot of acrime-victim advocacy center in Cambridge, Ohio, in November 2021.

The court suspended Blakeslee for one year, with six months stayed, for the gross act, and said his conduct “adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law.”

The court noted there was “clear and convincing evidence” that Blakeslee targeted the Haven of Hope center, which employed people whom he admitted he’d known for years, and whom he was probably going to see in court just minutes after tossing the Pringles can into the center’s parking lot.

Surveillance video shows Blakeslee driving by the parking lot, slowing down, turning around and passing it a second time. He then tosses the poopy can out of his car and drives off to the courthouse.

A witness saw Blakeslee throw the can and discovered its contents. She filed a report with Cambridge police.


It's hard to imagine this guy attracting any clients after pulling off such a bizarre stunt. I mean, who in their right mind takes a dump in a can and hurls it out of a moving vehicle?

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