Muslim Husband Leaves Wife After She Loses Breast to Cancer

This husband unquestionably ranks among the  most self-absorbed individuals out there.

A Muslim man initiated divorce proceedings after his wife, faced with a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, opted for a mastectomy against his wishes. Despite the husband suggesting more conventional  treatments, she made the decision to undergo a breast removal, believing it offered her the highest odds of survival.

From New Straits Times:

"My husband divorced me after I underwent surgery to remove one of my breasts after suffering Stage Four breast cancer."

This was the lament of a 54-year-old woman, who spoke to Harian Metro at the 'Penyampaian Bantuan Pendahuluan Nafkah Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga' organised by the Terengganu Syariah Courts yesterday.

The woman claimed that after being diagnosed with cancer, she decided to seek treatment.

The doctor, she said, advised her to undergo a mastectomy and remove one of her breasts to prevent the cancer from spreading.

"However, my husband at the time disagreed and said I shouldn't undergo the surgery. He instead suggested that I seek traditional treatment.
"Despite him saying no, I decided to go ahead as I figured it is more important to survive," she said.

She claimed that her husband, enraged by her decision, decided to file for a divorce. 

"Before he declared the 'lafaz cerai', he mentioned that people who had breast cancer like me would usually live for about a year.

"But to me, life or death is Allah's will. Seven years after the surgery, I am still alive.

Well clearly, she made the right decision and good riddance to that horrible husband of hers.

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