Spirit Airline Has a “Home Alone” Moment When They Accidentally Put a 6-Year-Old on the Wrong Flight

Spirit Airlines truly embraced the 'Christmas Spirit' this year, albeit in an unexpected way. They seemed to take a page out of the classic holiday movie 'Home Alone.' In a shocking mishap, the airline, known for its less-than-stellar reputation, misplaced a 6-year-old boy who was flying solo to visit his grandmother in Florida. Imagine her shock when he wasn't among the passengers disembarking. It turns out, in a major blunder, Spirit Airlines had put him on the wrong flight, sending him to an entirely different city.

Talk about a whoops moment

BizPac Review:

A 6-year-old Philadelphia boy headed to Florida to be with his grandmother for Christmas accidentally got placed on the wrong flight by Spirit Airlines. Incidentally, it was the boy’s first flight ever.

“They told me, ‘No, he’s not on this flight. He missed his flight,” the boy’s grandmother, Maria Ramos, told Florida station WINK, recalling her reaction when what was supposed to be his flight landed. “I said, ‘No, he could not miss his flight because I have the check-in tag.'”

“I ran inside the plane to the flight attendant and I asked her, ‘Where’s my grandson? He was handed over to you at Philadelphia?’ She said, ‘No, I had no kids with me,’” Ramos added.

This news left her absolutely terrified, up until something wonderful occurred: The boy, Casper, gave her a ring and told her he’d landed — just not in Fort Myers. Instead he’d landed in nearby Orlando.

Spirit Airlines has since offered to reimburse Ramos for her drive to Orlando, but what she’s seeking are answers, not money.

“I want them to call me,” she told WINK. “Let me know how my grandson ended up in Orlando. How did that happen? Did they get him off the plane? The flight attendant – after mom handed him with paperwork – did she let him go by himself? He jumped in the wrong plane by himself?”

But the airline doesn’t have answers yet, as it’s currently conducting an investigation.

Way to go, ya filthy animals…

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