Sylvester Stallone Reenacts “Rocky” With a Little Boy In Philly

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  • Source: TMZ
  • 12/05/2023
Sylvester Stallone recently  marked the inaugural Rocky Day, and amidst the festivities, he engaged in what might just be the most adorable reenactment.

A young boy, well-versed in the iconic  movie, effortlessly recited the famous "gotta keep punching" scene from "Rocky" alongside Stallone in Philadelphia.

Watch the video:

From TMZ:

The legendary actor was in Philly Sunday to celebrate the first-ever holiday dedicated to him and his onscreen character -- y'know on account of the fact his film takes place in the City of Brotherly Love and everything ... not to mention his famous statue there in town.

Speaking of that monument, that's where this awesome interaction between Sly and a young fan went down ... where the kid recited Rocky's speech from 'Rocky Balboa,' where he tells his son how hard life is and how you gotta "keep punching."

Check it out ... the little dude goes all in on the delivery here, and SS matched him during part of it. They were going toe to toe in passion -- but the little guy might just take it.

BTW, if this boy looks familiar ... that's because he's actually made a thing of this lately. In fact, he recently did something similar with none other than Hulk Hogan -- who, funny enough, actually once co-starred alongside Sly in one of the 'Rocky' movies.

What an amazing scene! This kid is an actor in the making!

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