Teacher Suspended After Giving Kids Insane Homework Assignment: Plan A Terror Attack

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  • Source: AA
  • 12/20/2023
Every now and then, we come across  stories about teachers assigning some downright absurd tasks to students, but this latest incident takes the cake.

A teacher from Sweden recently found  himself suspended without pay for assigning an utterly bizarre homework task to his students – planning a hypothetical terrorist attack.

From AA:

An investigation has also been launched into the move by the teacher, who works at a high school in the southern city of Jonkoping. 

The following is an excerpt of the instructions given to the students. 

“You are a terrorist planning to make a political statement by releasing a chemical or biological agent on an unsuspecting Australian community. Your goal is to kill the MOST innocent civilians in order to get your message across.” 

“You are aware that the chemical/biological agent you will be using only has a ‘fatal’ range of 200 meters (if air/waterborne).” 

It then follows with a series of questions for the students, including: “What are the effects of this agent?” “Where would you release it? “How would you release it?” and “Who have you chosen to be your victims? -- Explain why.” 

The teacher’s action has provoked strong reactions within the municipality.

“This is totally injudicious. We also have a high terror threat level in the country,” Henrik Natt och Dag, director of education for secondary schools in Jonkoping municipality, told Swedish public broadcaster SVT.

“We take what happened very seriously and will therefore also report the incident to the police,” he added.

What did this teacher honestly  anticipate as the result? Did he genuinely believe parents would rejoice upon learning that their children's educator was orchestrating plans for terror attacks?

It's evident that this individual is not entirely sound  mentally, and perhaps he should reassess his chosen profession.

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