Biden Says He and Jill Attended Funerals of Cops “Killed on January 6,” and Zero Fact Checkers Correct Him

Nowadays, conservatives can barely  write anything online without getting scrutinized by the ever-growing group of "fact-checkers." These organizations promote themselves as advocates of the "truth," but the reality is that many of these groups are backed by liberal organizations, resulting in a noticeable leftward bias.

So, when Biden delivered his significant  speech on the third anniversary of January 6th and told a bold-faced lie, it's no surprise that these so-called fact-checkers remained silent. Biden is well-known for embellishing the facts during his public speeches, and this one was no exception when he told the crowd that both he and Jill attended the funerals for the police officers who died that day. However, there's one significant problem: no police officers died that day.

From BizPacReview:

During the 30 minute diatribe, Biden claimed that he and First Lady Jill Biden attended the funerals of police officers who were killed during the so-called “insurrection” against the government.

“Over 140 police officers injured. Jill and I attended the funerals of police officers who died as a result of the events that day. Because of Donald Trump’s lies. They died because these lies brought a mob to Washington,” Biden claimed.

But the notoriously dishonest career politician left out one very pertinent detail, the fact that the actual number of cops who lost their lives on the fateful day was zero.

Most famously there was Officer Brian Sicknick who the media falsely claimed was killed by a Trump supporter who allegedly hit him in the head with a fire extinguisher but the reality is that the Capitol Police officer died from natural causes the day AFTER the J6 mayhem.

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