Ohio Mom Shaved Young Daughters Head to Fool People into Believing She Had Cancer

  • by:
  • Source: TMZ
  • 01/12/2024
A story from Ohio echoes the unsettling  narrative of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, portraying a mother, Pamela Reed, who deceptively claimed her young daughter had cancer by shaving her head since the age of 20 months.

Reed managed to amass thousands of dollars in donations under the guise of  her daughter's fabricated cancer diagnosis, leading to her incarceration for orchestrating this heartless scam.

From TMZ:

Pamela Reed was arrested Monday after authorities say she told friends and family for years her 7-year-old daughter, identified as AR, had cancer -- specifically myeloid leukemia -- suffered from seizures and was blind in her right eye.

Law enforcement says Pamela even shaved AR's head to bolster her claims, and had raised about $8,000 ... which was given to help aid AR's cancer treatment expenses.

But, according to the arrest affidavit, it all came to an end when AR's school nurse discovered she wasn't blind in her right eye, and after calling the girl's doctor, learned she did not have cancer.

Cops say Reed later confessed to doctoring AR's paperwork for the school and told cops she repackaged prescriptions to make it seem like they were for cancer treatment.

Officials also claim she gave AR seizure medication she didn't need.

When cops grilled her, Reed admitted carrying on the big lie for so long, because she enjoyed all the financial support.


This disturbingly mirrors Dee Dee Blanchard's actions  towards her daughter, driven by Munchausen by proxy, where she exploited her daughter's fabricated illness to reap financial rewards.

The immorality of a parent exploiting their child for financial  gain is evident, and beyond that, subjecting a child to unnecessary treatments for illnesses they don't actually have is not only unethical but also perilous.

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